The Christian Affirmation

June 27, 2007

Though I have not yet seen it, I understand that the “Christian Affirmation” of last May 2006 has been republished as a printed advertisement in the Christian Chronicle of July 2007. I hope it is not true though I fear it is. I am surprised–very surprised–to hear that the “affirmation” has been republished. I had […]

Further Perspectives on “A Christian Affirmation”

May 14, 2005

Permit me a few more perspectives on the “Affirmation”and then I will let it go unless asked to comment further….. I may be politically naive — and there may good reason to think that of me — but I did not see affirming the statement as somehow a negative statement about the 2006 healing initiatives […]

Concerning “A Christian Affirmation”

May 14, 2005

“A Christian Affirmation” is an occasional rather than comprehensive statement that affirms some traditional distinctives of Churches of Christ. I wish it contained more –and even more basic – affirmations (theology, Christology, pneumatology, discipleship, eschatology), but its limited scope (at least as I read it) is to affirm some traditional ecclesiological distinctives within the historic […]