Revertir la Maldición VI – La Iglesia Primitiva (Pablo)

March 29, 2024

Hay muchos textos donde se podría iluminar el tema de esta serie en Pablo. He elegido Colosenses 1. El lenguaje del Reino no es tan frecuente en Pablo como en los Evangelios, pero sin embargo es parte de la sustancia de su perspectiva teológica. Para Pablo el reino es tanto presente como futuro; es una […]

John Mark on John Mark

April 2, 2023

Confused already? Hang in there. This is a print version of a sermon I recently delivered on the New Testament character known as John, also called Mark (Acts 12:12, 25; 15:37), or traditionally known as John Mark. I think it is the first time I have ever “preached” a lesson focused on John Mark. John […]

2 Corinthians 2:12-13 — Parental Anxiety

October 15, 2021

Sometimes somethings are more important than an open door. That is the upshot of these two fascinating sentences in 2 Corinthians 2:12-13. Earlier Paul had intended to visit Corinth, then go to Macedonia, and then return to Corinth before he left for Jerusalem. However, the circumstances in Corinth led Paul to change that travel plans. […]

Outline of 2 Corinthians

September 9, 2021

This outline follows and adapts the work of Frank J. Matera, II Corinthians: A Commentary, New Testament Library (Louisville: WJK, 2003). Opening: Salutation and Doxology (1:1-11). Part 1 – The Crisis Over Paul’s Apostolic Integrity (1:12-7:16). Paul Narrates Recent Events (1:12-2:13). The Letter’s Theme (1:12-14). Paul’s Reliability (1:15-22). A Change of Plans and a Harsh […]

On Reading 2 Corinthians

September 8, 2021

Reading 2 Corinthians, we find ourselves in the middle of a conversation about which we are largely ignorant. The Conversation We were not there when Paul founded the congregation at Corinth or his subsequent two visits. We don’t have access to two other letters Paul wrote to Corinth; we only have two of four (and […]

Sermon on the Mount and the Epistles, David Lipscomb Prioritizes

March 12, 2012

It may sound rather strange to some ears, but at the turn of the 20th century there was some debate among Churches of Christ whether the Sermon on the Mount was intended for Christians. For example, Lipscomb was asked on one occasion whether he could “show that it s a Christian duty to try to […]

Old JMH Articles: Five From the 1970s

March 13, 2009

This is quite daring, I must admit. Or, it might be rather idiotic. But in my quest to place my published writings on this webpage, I now turn to the 1970s.  It is rather chilling and sometimes quite illuminating to actually read what I wrote thirty years ago (wow! I really am that old). It […]