Traitor at the Table

March 12, 2006

Text: Luke 22:1-23 The betrayer sat at the table with Jesus and Jesus knew who the betrayer was. He was one of the Twelve, one of the chosen. He had cast out demons and proclaimed the coming of the kingdom. Jesus had prayed over that choice and yet Satan entered Judas’ heart and Satan won […]

Kingdom Come

February 5, 2006

Text: Luke 17:11-37 Journeying to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border of Galilee and Samaria where he encountered ten lepers outside a village. This kind of scene is becoming familiar in Luke. Jesus meets, in the course of his daily existence, the social outcast, the disenfranchised, the broken people of his world. He moved in […]

Samaritan Hospitality

November 6, 2005

Text: Luke 10:25-37 One of my favorite questions Jesus’ asks in the Gospel of Luke is, “How do you read it?” An expert in the law (one of the “wise and learned” in Luke 10:21 to whom spiritual depth is often hidden) asked Jesus a question: “what must I do to inherit eternal life”(or, our […]

Suffering, then Glory

October 23, 2005

Text: Luke 9:28-36 When Jesus took on the mantle of his messianic mission at his baptism, a voice “from heaven” declared: “You are my Son.” And then the Son was led by the Spirit of God into the wilderness to be tested. Now, just after Jesus announced his future messianic suffering to his disciples, a […]

New Wineskins–A New Way of Living

September 11, 2005

Text: Luke 5:27-39. Luke’s Jesus teaches, for the most part, at the table. But the table is more than teaching for Jesus, it is the embodiment of the kingdom of God. It is not merely oral teaching, but social demonstration of the kingdom of God. Jesus’ table exhibits a new way of living—new wineskins for […]

If you are the (a) Son (Child) of God….

August 28, 2005

Jesus shared water with us–he was baptized with sinners. He followed us into the water, but by so doing enabled something new to break into the world. He was filled with the Spirit, baptized in the Spirit. And declared to be the Son of God. But this Son of God was no docetic theophany. This […]