Stone-Campbell Atonement Theology

May 14, 2008

I have upload my published and unpublished materials on Stone-Campbell atonement theology to my Academic page. The unpublished version is a lecture I gave at the 1994 SBL conference in Chicago. It is also available at Hans Rollmann’s Restoration Movement website. I published two articles from that lecture. One appeared in Discipliana 56 (Winter 1996), […]

Resources: Stone-Campbell Christology and Atonement

May 1, 2008

I have uploaded some published and unpublished material on the Christology and the Atonement to a couple of my pages. While this is older material–most of which was written in the 1990s–the historical perspective is still, I hope, helpful and some of the theology might be as well. 🙂 On the Academic page….. In 1994 […]