Six Brief Video Lessons on Baptism

April 18, 2024

I recorded these in Ghana, Africa, at the request of Dr. Nathan Bills who teaches at Heritage Christian University in Ghana. The full play list is available at this link. The six videos are:

Tumbling: A Degenerative Spiral

November 2, 2022

Text: Genesis 4:3-7; 6:11-13; 11:2-4 Days 11-13 in Around the Bible in Eighty Days Traditionally, particularly in the West, Christian theologians have described the transition from the Garden of Eden to ground east of Eden as “the Fall.” Of course, there is a sense in which there is a fall because the circumstances radically changed: […]

Noah the Movie, Part III: There are Biblical Themes There

March 31, 2014

When the filmmaker of Noah described it as “the least biblical biblical movie” ever made [he did not say it was the “least biblical movie”], he was probably referring to the fact Noah the movie is not a mirror image of Noah the biblical figure. Genesis is not the script for the movie. Rather, the […]

Noah the Movie: Part I

March 29, 2014

Before the movie, first the biblical story…or at least my reading of that story…. This is not a children’s story. The animals going into the ark two by two do make a classic VBS song and it certainly makes a great flannel graph. But this story is more like a horror movie than a Disney […]

The Flood Story — What Might We Learn?

July 6, 2012

This is not a children’s story. The animals going into the ark two by two do make a classic VBS song and it certainly makes a great flannel graph. But this story is more like a horror movie than a Disney cartoon. The story is important for our author. It takes up more space than […]

Crying “Glory” in the Storm (Psalm 29)

May 10, 2010

On the first Saturday and Sunday of May, Nashville experienced an unprecedented storm where we received 1/4 of our annual rainfall in two days. The resultant floods were devastating for many and crippling to the economy. One only need to look at the pictures and videos present on the internet to understand that this was Middle Tennessee’s worst disaster […]