Tumbling: A Degenerative Spiral

November 2, 2022

Text: Genesis 4:3-7; 6:11-13; 11:2-4 Days 11-13 in Around the Bible in Eighty Days Traditionally, particularly in the West, Christian theologians have described the transition from the Garden of Eden to ground east of Eden as “the Fall.” Of course, there is a sense in which there is a fall because the circumstances radically changed: […]

The Tower of Babel – What’s the Problem?

July 9, 2012

What’s wrong with a tower? “We” build them all the time. In fact, “we” are even now completing one in New York City to replace the Twin Towers. Some read the Tower of Babel story as a polemic against conformity where individuality is lost. Others read it as a judgment against the human refusal to […]