The Gospel of Mark: On Reading a Gospel as Scripture

August 23, 2011

How do we read a Gospel as Scripture? By “Gospel” I mean the literary genre itself. A Gospel announces good news and our canonical Gospels locate this good news in Jesus, particularly his ministry, death and resurrection. It has been common for modern readers to think of the Gospels as primarily or fundamentally history or […]

“It Ain’t That Complicated” — Applied Theological Hermeneutics III

August 7, 2008

Fortunately for us, Paul’s instructions in 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 do not stand alone. In another letter to the Corinthians, chapters 8 & 9 of what we call 2 Corinthians, Paul felt compelled to further encourage the Corinthians to follow through on their commitment to the poor saints in Jerusalem. This is fortunate because we have a wonderful opportunity […]

“It Ain’t That Complicated” — Applied Theological Hermeneutics I –

August 1, 2008

“It ain’t that complicated.” My recent series on “theological hermeneutics” may seem complicated. I may have made it look complicated. But I don’t think it is complicated at all. The method for which I argued does call for inductive Bible study, reflection, contemplation, holistic thinking, attention to the plot (metanarrative) in the theodrama, prayer, communal dialogue, […]

Theological Hermeneutics IX — Outline of a Method

July 3, 2008

Okay, maybe I’m not ready to go with the intensely practical as yet….my bad!  But I think the following methodological outline of a theological hermeneutic is a fairly simple one.   I will wait for the “rubber-meets-the-road” kind of ecclesiological discussions of the theological hermeneutic (which is, historically, what really interests the heirs of the Stone-Campbell […]

Theological Hermeneutics VI — Divine Presence and Assembly (Redemptive-Historical Example)

June 16, 2008

With this post, I will lay down my keyboard for a few weeks on this topic as I leave Friday or Saturday for a week vacation without electronics.  But I will continue this series again upon my return.  I envision six or seven more articles on “theological hermeneutics” and then a new series on “applied” theological […]

Theological Hermeneutics V – Redemptive-Historical Reading of Scripture

June 15, 2008

Imbibing the theodrama by reading Scripture is critical to the development of our theological sensitivities. One of the more important dimensions of this maturing understanding of the theodrama is the concept of redemptive-historical movement within the drama itself. The theodrama is progressive; it is telos-oriented or goal-oriented. Watching the movement of the drama toward the […]

Stone-Campbell Hermeneutics I – Campbell’s Scholarly Baconianism

May 28, 2008

I begin this series on Stone-Campbell hermeneutics with Alexander Campbell (1788-1866).  While I recognize that Barton W. Stone (1772-1844) and Thomas Campbell (1763-1855) also had a significant impact on how the Stone-Campbell Movement read the Bible, there seems little question that Alexander Campbell was the more dominant figure for Stone-Campbell hermeneutics. Consequently, I will stress Alexander […]

Performing the Fifth Act

August 25, 2005

Since we lack a script–a detailed “say this, do this”–for living out the gospel in our lives today, how do we “perform fifth the act”? This is the function of theological hermeneutics. It is a way of thinking, reflecting and seeking the will of God. It is imaginatively entering into world of Scripture to draw […]

An Increasingly Common Analogy

August 24, 2005

I’ve read it in various books and heard it in several lectures. N.T. Wright has used it. Stan Grenz has used it. Keith VanHoozer has used it. John Franke has used it. Michael Horton has used it. And others as well. And I like it. It usually runs something like this: living out biblical theology […]

Systematic Biblical Doctrine

August 24, 2005

That’s the title of a course I teach at the undergraduate level at Lipscomb University. I don’t particularly like the title. Here’s why. “Doctrine” rings hollow at best for most students and creates hostile suspicion for many. The word has a polemical ring in the ears of many such that it conjures up images of […]