Meeting God at the Shack III: The Triune Shine

October 1, 2008

[My book on the Shack is now available on Kindle.] “Triune Shine”….what is that?  Ok, I admit it is my own invention.  But hear me out, ok? Many who have attended a 12-Step group for any length of time have heard about the “shine.”  It might be an “AA shine,” or an SA, NA, OA, […]

Meeting God at the Shack II: What is the “Shack”?

September 29, 2008

[My book on the Shack is now available on Kindle.] “Mackenzie, It’s been a while. I’ve missed you. I’ll be at the shack next weekend if you want to get together there. –Papa” God invited Mack to the shack (p. 16). His first gut feeling was nausea but it quickly turned to anger. He had […]

Meeting God at the Shack I: Introduction

September 27, 2008

[My book on the Shack is now available on Kindle.] William P. Young’s The Shack became a national bestseller in 2008. It touched the hearts of many and generated hostile theological disagreement from others. I read the book last January.  Moved to tears several times, I was emotionally and intellectually engaged by Young’s storytelling.  This modern parable […]